Hi Jacob, regarding your comment on my blog: No I didn't use a tripod (I don't even have one) for the moon shot. I stood out on my deck and took about 7 shots and and that was the most centered. I've just been fortunate I think.
I like this daytime view. It's a very contemporary scene, but I always wonder if future generations will marvel at all the wires holding everything together. :)
"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." — Henri Cartier-Bresson
What a quiet street view. Nicely composed.
Ahhh... the big city of Ocala!
je suis d'accord avec "los angeles", c'est pas jour de solde ;)
Main Street USA, nice.
wonderfully composed and shot
What a lovely starting of highway !! I loved the shot !!
I love these street views. What time was it? Was everybody in the middle of their siestas?
Nice wide road. Is that a railroad crossing? Very pleasant. MB
Not much traffic for a highway, great idea for a picture.
Definitely a different feel from New England...I don't know...is it the architecture, the flatness, the palm trees?
To be honest, I would never recognize it.
Hi Jacob, regarding your comment on my blog: No I didn't use a tripod (I don't even have one) for the moon shot. I stood out on my deck and took about 7 shots and and that was the most centered. I've just been fortunate I think.
Aren't dogs so funny!!
Thanks for the nice comments too. MB
It looks like a nice street in a nice town. I like the RR crossing. Towns with the RR going through are getting to be scarce.
A lot of lanes .. is there usually a lot of traffic?
I like this daytime view. It's a very contemporary scene, but I always wonder if future generations will marvel at all the wires holding everything together. :)
Sure looks like a railroad crossing. See - there's hope for you guys too! ;)
In case anyone would have been able to confuse this with downtown Stockholm, those trees should settle the issue.
I like the palms!
It seems a very quiet road ... it's always like this? Nice shot!
I see the train runs right through town. Is there a station there too? Where is everyone. At the mall?
Those palm trees hint that we are in Florida! So peaceful.
It's always very hard for me to figure out which is West which is East!!!
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