It was a slow day at the mall when I shot this photo of an Olan Mills photographer in front of the entrance to Belks Department Store. The young lady was obviously bored out of her gourd but I don't think she liked me taking her photo. Not to worry, though, I am fleet of feet!
That's a downright hostile glare you're getting, Jacob. If looks could kill you'd be in a very dangerous position right now.
It looks like she's standing guard to keep customers out. And it looks like she's good at it too. Nice shot you got before you fled!
LOL. She should be happy she's inside where it's cool.
that is a beautifully composed shot
I could not stand a job where I just had to stand...I can stand fine if I am doing something...but not just standing. Thinking she is probably wishing she were you....
un eclairage digne d'un jour de grand soleil, elle attend peut etre quelqu'un qui lui a pose un lapin (alors elle est pas heureuse)
Hope she doesn't follow your blog under the screen name: I bark.
Now that's a stern-looking lady. Scary.
Slow doesn't begin to describe it - it's positively at a standstill - that store is deserted.
I used to work in department stores during holidays when I was a student - when it was slow, time dragged... and I mean dragged.
Well her face and body - language says it all....
Not very welcoming!
(Hope you are not in trouble after this shot??! ;-)
In the great tradition of shot and run. Like the image and the bored young lady is simply wonderful.
Not a happy face looking at you! :-)
LOL, thats how I look every time I go to the mall....bored.
Unfortunately, this is a scene repeated all to often these days.
Depicting an empty world and a photographer doing what she wished she was doing. Ha!
Re your snake comment: it is plain ordinary run of the mill Northwestern Garter Snake. We have no rattlers on this side of the mountains. Thank goodness. Or as far as I know any poisonous types--only human ones. MB
Retailing ain’t what it used to be!
I remember Olan Mills! They don't come around here anymore - I got an 11X16 of me & my daughter a looong time ago!
I must admit, I wouldn't like a stranger taking my picture either. I would probably have turned the other way though.
I bet some people would love to have her job, even if it is dull at times.
Unfortunately this is a very familiar sight at malls these days. That girl might be thinking you are trying to take her job Jacob!
She might have more people to talk to if she smiled more. Nice catch!
LOL! Turnabout is fair play, right! Tee hee!
Nice capture, funny!
You are right Jacob !!She is looking a bit annoyed !!Beautiful shot !!
She looks menacing, but the picture is very beautiful!
P.S. I always appreciate your greetings, thank you!(the last one make me laugh!)
The shooter becomes the shootee??? lol
Hehehe! She probably thought you were a spy working for the competition.
I would be worse than bored out of my gourd being in that setting all day. Someone did mention the one benefit for a Florida summer - A/C. You are a brave photographer, and it paid off.
This is in SUCH contrast to what we have in Asia... smiling faces in the malls... and LOTS of them! And many will RUSH to stand in front of your camera! I don't take many people photos when I go to NA or Europe... don't want glares like this. :-)
Ah the epitome of boredom.
Truly a beautiful picture!
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