Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mother and Child Reunion


SRQ said...

Oh, how sweet. I love that they're running together. Beautiful sight.

RedPat said...

So cute. I have Simon & Garfunkel going in my head now!

Memphis MOJO said...

They sure have the same coloring. Nice shot.

Elettra said...

tender image!!!!!!!!

Judy said...

This is a sweet and dreamy shot.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jacob. Re: our exchange of emails, I am leaving you an anonymous comment! :<) Bibi

Jack said...

Cute. Now I am dying to know what is going on with Bibi's comment.

Olivier said...

Le retour des chevaux ;) tres belle photo, on dirait des chevaux dans un reve

ArtandArchitecture-SF.com said...

What a wonderful shot. I too have Simon and Garfunkel sitting in my head now.

cieldequimper said...

Ah, lovely!

Anonymous said...

Same colours and same pose, perfect!

Cezar and Léia said...

Lovely moment there and very well captured!

Halcyon said...

A sweet family portrait! :)

Davidlind said...

From here it looks like they have the same marking. A nice day in Florida. What a nice place to live!

Karl said...

A sweet shot, Lowell, and so real.

Birdman said...

Did they come over for a closeup, Mr. DeMille?

Virginia said...

Oh what a beautiful twosome! Gorgeous photo.

magiceye said...

love the setting!!

Anonymous said...

Awww, what a precious shot! They both look healthy, very cool!!! =)

Small City Scenes said...

Are they twins??? hahaha!! When baby grows up they will be a matched set. MB

Linda said...

A very beautiful and tender capture!

Sharon said...


"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." — Henri Cartier-Bresson