It used to be, when Silver Springs Park existed, there were about 7-8 of these glass bottom boats which, loaded with tourists and locals, traversed the Silver River to allow a look at the headsprings, the varieties of fish, gators, turtles, anhingas, and assorted other wildlife - even monkeys for a time.
There are just 2-3 left. Silver Springs Park no longer exists. The property is now part of the State of Florida's Silver River State Park. The rides, the kid's zoo, the carousel, the river boat rides - all gone.
It's still a nice place to visit, but most of the fun has been removed.
The boat pictured, is one of the last glass bottom boat survivors.
I was just a little kid but, I do remember riding on one of these and looking at all the fish below.
Sad that all the fun is gone....
Maybe you should make a video game of the 'glASS- bottom' boats and all the creatures... Please include Mermaids. Call it "Bottom Feeders". Kids would watch that on the couch, of course.
Lets hope the remaining glass bottom boats prove popular enough to remain in existence. They look like a real addition to the area.
That is sad that Silver Springs is no longer the way it was even though its still open! Love the glass bottom boat!!
Perhaps in restoring it to the state park system and a more natural sense, it's better for the landscape.
I remember our ride on the glass bottom boat, way back when I was a kid. Sad to see that part gone.
That is such a shame! I remember going on the glass bottom boats as a kid. We still have them up here at Wakulla Springs I think, but I haven't been there in a few years.
Re your comment about the governor and his cohorts, I totally agree. I can't stand to even look at his picture, much less see him in person. The last time I saw him, he was walking in a parade downtown with his wife. I turned my back to him and a lot of others did too. Thankful for term limits!
Oh the state wants not responsibility or they just don't want us to have any fun. Teehee
Welcome back
go see the greenhouse Bob and I built
Even if many l the other goodies no longer exist, I would enjoy a ride on that boat.
Something we latecomers missed boo hoo. The State also owns WikeeWatchee Springs now, but they kept it pretty much like it was as a private tourist attraction -- with all the mermaids etc. Too bad they didn't keep the fun stuff at this park too. I wonder why?
You're baaaaack and with good news!!!!
See, that makes me happy so I can't be unhappy about the park...
That's a perfect way to see all the life in the water!
Welcome back, Lowell!
So...does the state allow the boats to move along the river? What do the remaining boats do??
I am sure it was a very nice way to see that...
I've never been in a glass bottom boat, would be nice to try it...
Lovely capture!
What fun it would be to ride in this boat!
So sad that this place has changed (and not for the better).
What a shame. I would definitely take one of those tours.
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