Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Four Ways to Discover Cedar Key, Florida

This was cross-posted to our Cedar Key blog. 

Please note this was updated on 1/13/15 to include
our favorite way of travel - by bicycle!


LOLfromPasa said...

Oh my goodness, you have another blog. I've joined, of course! I like all these modes of transport :).

Re you question - Coventry Magistrates' Court was in St. Mary's Guildhall for a number of years. Had an interesting job - responsible for admin of liquor licensing, betting shops etc in Coventry.

William Kendall said...

Horse and wagon for me!

Sylvia K said...

Yep, I'm with William, I'll take the horse and wagon, too!! I do love your pics for the day -- all of them!! Hope you have a great weekend!!

Linda said...

Very cool, Lowell, you have all the methods. Great photos!

Lois said...

I kind of like the horse and carriage myself, or is that a surrey?

Kay said...

Don't forget roller blades and skateboards. And, given enough time, I'll take walking any day.

Karl said...

Horse and wagon for me too, it's the best way to discover a new place !

Shammickite said...

I hope the horse gets lots of carrots!

Sharon said...

I think I would enjoy all of these modes of transportation but, I'm with you. the bicycle might be the best.

VP said...

Bicycle would also be my choice...

EG CameraGirl said...

I see six ways in these photos because I'm counting the bike and the pedestrian. ;) The horse and carriage looks the funnest, though!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I have to go look at the Cedar Key blog -- I'm not even sure where it is. That camper van is loaded for bear!! I enjoy seeing all the ways to go.,

magiceye said...

Would love to explore them all!!

Halcyon said...

Lots of ways to get around! I admit, I like to go by foot - though a leisurely ride on the horse-drawn carriage would be nice too.

Laura. M said...

I would like the third photo. We have a caravan and we go on vacation with her ;))
Un abrazo.

"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." — Henri Cartier-Bresson