Saturday, January 12, 2019

Waiting Until Needed...

Here at Trilogy, construction companies bring in their heavy equipment and other machinery so they are prepared for the jobs on which they've signed off. It would be inefficient and costly to move all their equipment and machinery to another location every evening, so usually they find an out-of-the-way place to keep it relatively safe until it is needed. When it's served its purpose here, it is moved to another construction site.


Shammickite said...

That\s a very clean construction vehicle. Where's all the mud?

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Uma bela máquina, aproveito para desejar um bom fim-de-semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

RedPat said...

A very tidy looking piece of machinery!

Marleen said...

Big and ready for any kind of action.

William Kendall said...

That brand of equipment is a common sight here.

Small City Scenes said...

Just get in line I guess

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Meanwhile it looks like they’re about to farm the south forty!

stardust said...

Beautiful machine. My grandson, who is crazy about any type of working vehicles, would go there every day to see and touch it.


"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." — Henri Cartier-Bresson