Saturday, April 24, 2010

For when you gotta

We here in Ocala aim to please and provide every necessity...thus if you have to go fast, we offer Florida Express!


Anonymous said...

Sure, cause a man has to do, what a ...

Bill said...

Very funny.

brattcat said...

What happens if you call that number?

brattcat said...

That comment you just left got a good guffaw out of me!

Don and Krise said...

When you absolutely, positively have to go........RIGHT DARNED NOW! (Most of us have been there at least once).

Paula said...

Sounds more like some kind of speedy postal service. I'd probably be looking for the mail slot.

Halcyon said...

Too funny!

And the color fits too. ;-)

Cezar and Léia said...

After a bunch of fast food you go...
God bless you!

Small City Scenes said...

Too funny---you know us old folks--Oh excuse me a minute. MB

Small City Scenes said...

BTW: I know the Springs is not a swimming pool I just said I would rather swim in a pool. Cement pond type, ya know. MB

VP said...

Any chance to see the inside?

cieldequimper said...

I would normally just rather die.

Unknown said...

Just the thought of the possibility of getting stuck inside gives me the chance of reaching the closest bar... LOL!

Pat said...

Ha, that's funny. I think it's interesting that it's marked who it is for (men, in this case), for I often find that these toilets are unisex.

Daryl said...

I have to admit that while I have often needed to go when out and about I dont think I would or could ever use one of those metal outhouses ... too much of a JAP I guess

Daryl said...

I have to admit that while I have often needed to go when out and about I dont think I would or could ever use one of those metal outhouses ... too much of a JAP I guess

Birdman said...

Around here, we have these 'rigs' put out by a company called the Blow Bros., slogan? We're #1 in the #2 business. hahahahaha!

Sharon said...

There has been a time or two....

Judy said...

Funny but you know, when ya gotta go.......

Unseen Rajasthan said...

Very Funny and fantastic !! Simply great !!

Memphis MOJO said...

Funny title.

tapirgal said...

Every town needs a few, although they should make them more attractive.

Los Angeles Suburbia said...

Hilarious! Great eye on this one.

Marie-Noyale said...

Can you send some in New York City!!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Funny post, keep them coming.^^

Dan J. said...

LOL !!!!

"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." — Henri Cartier-Bresson