There seems to be a real danger that God (I assume the owners of this car are referring to the Christian God - this is Ocala, you know) is gonna slip over the border and head to Canada, or God forbid, Mexico! But how are we supposed to keep God here if he/she wants to leave?
And how should we "pray" for our troops?
People are sure funny sometimes!
faire un grand mur autour des USA ;)) c'est pas très catholique comme slogan
strange indeed!
Only one bumper sticker on this car? Must be from out of town.
You are very philosophical today, Jacob. Admittedly I'm not religious and I can't understand such religious things. But I'm surprised about this slogan on this Japanese (not US-American) car...
Lol, didn't you know? He left a long time ago.
Oh dear... can't say this kind of sticker inspires tolerance and good will among all of God's creatures! But forgive them... for they do not know... [Such a contrast to what I posted today... a quest for wisdom and compassion.]
Keep God in America? What's that all about? It'll be a long walk to Canada. Some bumper stickers are very strange indeed.
You are right, I agree with your words, people are funny sometimes.
** We used to have a Toyota in Brazil before leaving to Lux.It's a great car!
That is an interesting sticker, and some might find it thought-provoking. I suppose since there is a law that bans prayers in schools, perhaps the people printed this thought that God is slowly disappearing in America.
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If we really want to support our troops, encourage our kids to enlist NOW or work for a truly universal draft!!! We have asked a tiny number of other’s kids to wage to wars all by themselves, while we do little to fight or really help them. The wounded need more help from both the armed services and the VA. Our representatives do not seem to really care as long as they or their families are not involved in our wars. Let’s get back to where Congress declares war and we all join in or do not go to war!!!!
PS. @lewi14... I cannot beliiiiieve I did not catch that irony myself!
Jacob, I would replace the word funny for weird (to say the least...)! :-)
Build a wall! That will keep him in...or them out....something like that....maybe.
I agree with Magiceye !!This is so strange !!
Perhaps this refers to the current trend away from our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, where God is mentioned by numerous references. Under those "Christian" ideals, all were permitted freedom to believe as they chose. Now, just mention the word "God"--even on a bumper sticker-- and a person is subject to sarcasm, ridicule, and is more often censored. Can't anyone see the new double standard ?
I don't think the bumper sticker conveys things as clearly as they could be conveyed, but it certainly should not be an object of ridicule. The owners are sharing their concern and love for country.
Just sometimes??
I suppose we could hogtie him/her and and keep it(?) in the basement---oh but I don't have a basement---mmmmm what to do what to do.
I'll think of something. MB
I try to ignore these bumper stickers because they make no sense to me.
I had no idea 'God' might move elsewhere .. where in America is she living?
I think this person is pretty selfish not to want to share god with anyone else! Isn't that the point of "god", that he's there for everyone. Even (GASP) people who do not live in the US? :S
I think Halcyon said what I was thinking. Strange indeed.
God can't leave without a passport, can he?
I can imagine the immigration officials:
Sir, you're trying to enter Canada, and your passport says you're God. Would you step over it the far line? We'd like to talk to you more.
I'm always amazed when Americans think God is on their side and only on THEIR side.
OK, backing away slowly...turning...and running!
@ Joy - You are mistaken or misinformed. There is no law that bans prayer in public schools. The US Constitution forbids the establishment of a religion, but all are free to believe or worship or pray as they wish.
Public schools, being "government" schools are thus forbidden by our Constitution to adopt or promote the trappings of any specific religion. Thus, a school principal cannot offer prayers (from any religion) as part of the school's activity.
The children, however, are perfectly free to pray as much as they like...they can pray from the moment they arrive at school until the moment they depart the school. They just can't stand up and require everyone to join them in their prayers.
Private religious schools, of course, are not bound by the establishment clause because they are not "public" schools funded by the taxpayers.
It is interesting...I like what Halcyon & lewi14 said.
I'm heartened by some of the open-minded comments but fearful of the fringe that feel God personally back, prefers and probably IS American.
Oh and that while the U.S. declares that folk are free to worship as they wish ... just try to build a Mosque 2 blocks from ground zero and they show their true colours ...
Cheers from Canada.
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