Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Chili's (after a few drinks)

I have learned through thoroughly-vetted sources, that some people spent New Year's Eve at Chili's restaurant in Ocala. They imbibed a bit. At the end of the evening, several claimed that the restaurant look strangely atilt and that they had photos to prove it, one of which I have posted above. By George, I think they're right!


Anonymous said...

Makes me want to sluurrr my words, hope they made it home safely!

Andy said...

You make me dizzy.

SRQ said...

Good for you for doing such extensive research into the matter. One can never be too sure about fabricated stories nowadays. Drinking on New Year's??? Never!

Kay said...

Heck, all I have to do is take off my glasses and the world looks like this!

Gunn said...

I do have a drop of port wine in my glass, but this looks like I have been drinking half the bottle!:)

Kate said...

It's awfully hard moving about this room..hic!!

Olivier said...

ah ah j'adore le piment sous l'interdiction de fumer...c'est vrai que cela peut faire des degats ;))

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Haha. Looks like a vertigo attack :)

Halcyon said...

I won't venture a guess as to who "those people" were. ;)
All my best to you and Lois-Anne in 2013!

Jack said...

I'm sure not one to complain about offkilter photos.

Hilda said...

Not Chili's, but saw quite a few places atilt this season too.

Cezar and Léia said...

LOL great idea for this picture!

Lynette said...

Cool! Thanks!

Sharon said...

Oh my, how I hate that warped feeling.

Judy said...

That's just warped!

Small City Scenes said...

I bet they walked funny too. MB

Karl said...

I also want a camera that likes wine, haha!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Perfect!

Anonymous said...

If you encounter and loud college students with "pink Freud' t-shirts on....that would be the CF Psychology Club..they like to hold their officer meetings there ;)

magiceye said...

Way to tilt the world!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Ha! I'm glad I only had one glass of wine on New Tear;s Eve. :))

tapirgal said...

You're right. Throwing-up time :-(

Randy said...

I wondered where you've been. It would help if I read the note on the other site.

"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." — Henri Cartier-Bresson