Friday, January 11, 2013

Hearing test

We are in the process of moving from Stone Creek back into Ocala. It's fun but a very hectic and complicated process. And because I'm using an old laptop at our new place (good computer still at old place) I've had to search the archives and thus the "hearing test" photo. What did you say? Anyway, I'll be out-of-pocket probably until the latter part of next week. Best wishes to all of our blogging friends and we wish you a wonderful weekend and great week ahead!


Randy said...

I haven't had one of these in years. Have a great weekend.

Pierre BOYER said...

Enjoy your week-end and the next week Lowell !
Best regards from Paris,


Anonymous said...


Andy said...

I'll miss your postings.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the move was keeping you from visiting. Be careful with the move and your camera equipment ;)

Irredento Urbanita said...

Good luck in the move. We will be here waiting for your photos. Hugs.


Barcelona Daily Photo

Halcyon said...

Hope the move is not too stressful. And enjoy the new house! :)

SRQ said...

HELLO! Hope you can hear us from your new digs. Moving is always a challenge. After 25+ moves from college graduation to my early 30's, I got less and less thrilled with it. I hope your move goes as smoothly as possible. See you soon!

Kate said...

Moving is always so time consuming; good luck on settling in! PS. I have been out of town, Up North, for a week near the Canadian border without internet or cell phone capability. Very peaceful and serene and I loved it; gorgeous sunrises and sunsets. But I have not been able to visit any of my blogger friends. It'll take awhile to read all of my email messages and to visit your posts to see what I've missed, but it's good to be back!

brattcat said...

may all go smoothly with the move. congrats on the new digs. may you and your beloved be blissfully happy there.

Judy said...

I do not envy you and the move. I don't know what I would do if I had to move. Too much stuff!

Unknown said...

Wish Lois Anne and you all the best in your new home. See you.

Cezar and Léia said...

Looks really cool!
Have a great weekend my friends!

Cezar and Léia said...

peeeeeee... (press button, if you hear it)
Peeeeeeee... (press button)
PEEEEEEEE... (press button tell guy to stop the annoying noise in your ear)
God bless you!

Small City Scenes said...

See ya when you all return. Best wishes. MB

Sharon said...

Good luck with the move! I keep thinning out the stuff I have but it would still be a huge undertaking to move again.

Kay said...

Good luck with the move! No matter how exciting and organized it is it's always complicated. And it took me about 18 months to find the final bits that stayed hidden (some in plain sight, but "lost" nonetheless).

Best to you both. See you when you return to the blogosphere.

RedPat said...

Good luck with your move!

Anonymous said...

Hope all goes well with the move, Lowell, and you and Lois Anne are happily settled in soon. Looking forward to more photos when you return!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

We'll be here waiting to hear from you!

Jack said...

Take it easy, Lowell.

tapirgal said...

So, can you hear? Best wishes on your move.

EG CameraGirl said...

All the best, Lowell. My husband says I need to have my hearing tested. :))

Birdman said...


PETRO50 said...

I wish you to have you as soon as possible at rest in a new place. Good health wishes to Peter.

Unknown said...

Hearing tests are so boring.I get them yearly.

Stefan Jansson said...

I might have to visit the doctor any day now. Bot of an earwax problem, What did you say?

Linda said...

I wish you all the best with the move, Lowell. Take care of yourself.

Gunn said...

I miss your postings.
Anyway, good luck with the moving.

I guess you hear ok, but here is some news:
Stavanger Daily Photo is now on Facebook too.

Memphis MOJO said...

I hope the move goes well for you.

fiziskandarz said...

Hope the move is all going on as plan. Must be hectic wrapping and boxing stuff, coordinating with movers etc. Hope it's not too cold there! Take care :)

Kay said...

Hi Lowell. I hope you and Lois Anne are doing well with your move. As long as you can find the bed and a couple of bath towels you'll do fine.

Ash said...

Wish you all the best with the moving. Hope you enjoy the new house!

"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." — Henri Cartier-Bresson