Sunday, January 6, 2013

It's a wrap!

Although it is hard to believe, we sometimes have nights where the temperature drops to freezing or below here in north central Florida.  On occasion, the temperature remains below freezing for several hours.  I don't like that!  Freezing cold weather should be illegal in Florida!

But when cold weather does hit us, animals and plants must be brought inside.  Also, outside water pipes must be insulated from the freezing weather.  This is one example of a really good wrap and should provide that pipe all the protection it needs. 


Andy said...

I was stunned with the insulation until I read your explanation.

RedPat said...

I know just how that poor pipe feels - although we are having a bit of a melt here today!

Linda said...

I had added your new blog to my reader's list but you haven't posted there in a here I am back to find you. Thanks so much for sharing, dear Lowell, I hope your New Year is going well. :) (well, starting well, for now.)

Kay said...

Yes. It's hard to believe you get freezing temperatures in Florida. If you bring your plants and animals into the house, does that mean everyone brings their horses in, too? Or do they wrap them up like this water pipe?

Re: my comment about 60 plus: Mostly making fun of myself and adjustments to age. In my opinion, the 70 plus group has the process nailed. . .!

Kay said...

Yes. It's hard to believe you get freezing temperatures in Florida. If you bring your plants and animals into the house, does that mean everyone brings their horses in, too? Or do they wrap them up like this water pipe?

Re: my comment about 60 plus: Mostly making fun of myself and adjustments to age. In my opinion, the 70 plus group has the process nailed. . .!

Small City Scenes said...

Wow that is totally wrapped for below 0 weather. Maybe I should go out and wrap our pipes---not mine the houses. MB

Anonymous said...

It is supposed to be 80 degrees later this week...sounds like a good golf week ;) Yep, that photo was at Rainbow Springs...I love that place.

hamilton said...

Pretty in Pink?
We had warm temperatures of 6C today - didn't even need a scarf!

Randy said...

Who would have guessed.

Jack said...

And, it is lovely, too. It is a good reason to be a bit further south in Florida.

Elettra said...

seems to be an excellent remedy!!

Taken For Granted said...

Insulation from cold is good. Another trick is to let the faucet stay slightly open. The slowly running water keeps warmer so it won't freeze. Someone already said, "Pretty in Pink."

Pierre BOYER said...

Difficult to believe it from France...
Keep warm Lowell !


cieldequimper said...

It looks weird! But, since I like freezing days, I won't say anything...

Anonymous said...

That's a cosy looking pipe!

Anonymous said...

It looks like it's wearing a pink boa. Hope it warms up soon!

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm amazed that pipes need wrapping in Florida! We have a spring in my village that flows constantly all insulation around the pipe that rises above the ground surface. Maybe it doesn't freeze because it flows constantly.

Angelikas Photographic Sketchbook said...

Yes, it is. A pink wrap. Makes me want to paint the 'head' red.

Hilda said...

I was wondering why the faucet was wearing a pink boa.

SRQ said...

Yikes, Lowell. I can honestly say I've never seen that before. That water line is all dress up with no where to go. I'm hoping for some more chilly temps down here...but, it doesn't need to be a hard freeze.

Halcyon said...

When it gets cold, you have to take the proper precautions! This person won't be frozen out. :)

Cezar and Léia said...

hmmm it's different!
Hey...I LOVE your header!The horses are wonderful!
Happy energy!

Judy said...

Looks like something you would see around here, but not in Florida. But I wouldn't complain about a few hours of cold as long as it warmed up in the daytime. We have had some pretty cold days the last week, only getting up to the high 30's. Brrrrr!

magiceye said...

Wow! Thankfully our Mumbai winter is at 10C for 15 mins only :)

Sharon said...

Ahh yes, we have to do this every now and then here in Arizona. We especially have to cover some plants when a cold front comes through.

Karl said...

Colder in Florida than here?
I can't believe it. Nice dress ;-)

"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." — Henri Cartier-Bresson