Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ready & waiting

With camera in hand and a tablet under her arm, this young lady is ready for anything! Almost. We have moved into our "new" place successfully and are blogging again, although it may be sporadic for a time.


EG CameraGirl said...

She looks pretty happy. said...

You and I have similar subjects today.

Welcome back after your move.

Birdman said...

Welcome home.

magiceye said...

Welcome back! Gret to see you posting again!

Lovely candid capture!

Sharon said...

So glad to have you back on line! Congratulations on the new home. If I was there, I'd stop by with a bottle of wine for the house-warming.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you again, glad to hear your move was a success too!

Small City Scenes said...

I wonder what she decided on. Welcome back. MB

Judy said...

Welcome back, we missed you!
You and Dave both have posted young lady photographers. Yours has more clothes on.

Janet said...

She's getting that camera set just right!

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Excelente fotografia....

RedPat said...

So glad to see you back on the blog! Hope the move wasn't too bad. ;-)

PETRO50 said...

Blahopřeji k úspěšnému stěhování. Jistě bude vše v pořádku. Jsem stále s vámi. Petr.

Kay said...

I hope the new home is a happy, healthy place for you both! Welcome back to blogging!

cieldequimper said...

Glad you're settled in. Welcome back, how are things otherwise?

SoCalDailyPhoto said...

Looks like you beat her to the shot! :-)

tapirgal said...

Welcome back! I can't wait to see your new surroundings. Love this ready-for-anything shot!

Jack said...

Camera? Check. iPad? Check. iPhone? Hey . . . where's the iPhone?

Hope your move went smoothly and that you like the new place.

Randy said...

Armed and ready.

Anonymous said...

Yay! You're back! Your photos and comments have been missed! Hope the move went smoothly, and you and Lois Anne are happily settled into your new home.

Oh, and great photo!

Cezar and Léia said...

Dear L&L, good to hear that your move is well accomplished and wishing a lot of light in your new home! ;)
God bless you!

SRQ said...

Camera and flip flops...that's all I need. (The tablet is just a superflous piece of technology and another way to spend money, as far as I'm concerned.) Glad to see you're back in the blogosphere, Lowell, and that your move went well.

Lynette said...

Cool for everyone to have you settled and blogging. Recently my brother and his wife went to Ocala and bought a horse who now lives in Texas with the trainer who had accompanied them to Ocala. I cannot remember a thing about the horse other than that is day-to-day name is Buddy. They have not even sent me a photo of him!

Pierre BOYER said...

Very nice...


Halcyon said...

Glad to see you're back Lowell! Hope you've gotten everything nice and cozy in your new home. :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful portrait!

Kcalpesh said...

Nice capture! Looks like that's a Canon SX50 HS... that's the camera I bought just a few days back :-)

Pixellicious Photos

"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." — Henri Cartier-Bresson