Halloween (All Hallowed Eve in churchy terms) will soon be here. Our neighbors are decorating their yards and houses. You will find wispy strands of spidery webs, ghouls of various sorts, witches, pumpkins, skeletons and other such silliness on houses, windows, hanging from trees, etc.
And on Halloween night, a steady stream of very weird looking people will come banging on our door wanting treats, threatening to do us harm if we do not fill their little bags with something they perceive to be of value - like candy bars.
What's really ghastly is that parents bus their kids into neighborhoods other than their own to more readily fill up those little bags.
But, we'll be ready. Certainly don't want to come to any harm. We could, I suppose, scare them off with our Golden Retriever, but that doesn't work, 'cause she just walks out the door and licks their faces until they deign to pet her!