Halloween (All Hallowed Eve in churchy terms) will soon be here. Our neighbors are decorating their yards and houses. You will find wispy strands of spidery webs, ghouls of various sorts, witches, pumpkins, skeletons and other such silliness on houses, windows, hanging from trees, etc.
And on Halloween night, a steady stream of very weird looking people will come banging on our door wanting treats, threatening to do us harm if we do not fill their little bags with something they perceive to be of value - like candy bars.
What's really ghastly is that parents bus their kids into neighborhoods other than their own to more readily fill up those little bags.
But, we'll be ready. Certainly don't want to come to any harm. We could, I suppose, scare them off with our Golden Retriever, but that doesn't work, 'cause she just walks out the door and licks their faces until they deign to pet her!
Are you going to dress up to greet your trick or treaters?
That is such a cute halloween display. It really seems at home in the yard. I guess that could be thanks to your composition.
Great shot Jacob. I'm really enjoying this fall/halloween season this year.
They do the same thing around here. Thankfully we dont have any kids on our street.
@ Hi Brattcat - to answer your question: Not in this lifetime!
In my neighborhood, very few kids come, and the ones who do, have their parents close by.
So what do you do with the leftover treats? You know you don't want to ruin your girlish figure.
Very cute photo, Jacob. I miss not being in your country for Halloween and for Thanksgiving this year.
I wish there would be more decorations. It makes us all feel young and playful. Hoe I loved being one of those tricker treaters! Thanks for the fine pix.
They are eating the pumpkin ahead of time
ils ont l'air très sympathique, pas certain qu'ils fassent peur aux enfants ;o))
Halloween is one of my most liked holidays. I have always celebrated, even now when my kids are older. There's a book sale this Saturday at the school where I work, and they're selling pumpkins, too....so.....
How cute--Ma and Pa and the baby punkin.
Well fortunately or maybe unfortunately we have never gotten any trick or treaters--now I probably just jinxed myself. When the kids were little they would dress up their ponies and head down the road looking for a house overflowing with candy. all good fun but not too much candy.
As to your question about the potato farm--it is not ours. We only have horses (of course) ponies, a couple of pygora goats and the customary dogs and cat. No spuds although I do notice one plant is growing on the compost pile. Yipes!! MB
Nice image and one of your more amusing posts, Jacob. You really made me laugh!
This is a beautiful shot !!Nice post !!Unseen Rajasthan
It's soooo sweet!
I loved it!
Halloween decoration as Christmas decoration bring joy and happiness to my heart!
Léia ;)
We have a similar problem in Ft. L. I've seen vans dropping off loads of kids. Each group coming to the door would set me back about $5. I don't mind the local kids but... and my dog doesn't lick either.
sweet display
I have to drag the decor out of the closet with no bottom and get to it!!
Halloween is celebrated in Manchester, NH is such a silly way! The kids come by on Oct. 25 (Sunday) at 3.00pm! Where's the fun in that?
I love Halloween! These are really cute.
My favorite time of year .. candy corn season
Very cute display! We don't get many kids here, they must bus them to other neighborhoods, like you said LOL.
You cracked me up with your Hells Bells comment and the ladder comment, too! Haha :)
This one brought a big smile!!
@ Daryl - Somehow, I just knew that!
@ Marie Reed - That is silly! The powers-that-be are so often afraid of their own shadows they try to control everything...and in the process they take away the joy!
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
- Hunter S. Thompson
I'm so jealous. The French have decided once and for all that Halloween was nothing but American commercial junk. Thereby forgetting that All Hallow's Eve is an old European and mainly Celtic tradition. Ah but we have Allsaints, on Nov. 1. So much better: you go to the cemetary and put flowers on the tombs once a year. Forgetting that in Halloween, there's "Eve" of Allsaints. Blah blah, I know, I'm ranting, I'm leaving...
The ghosts and goblins are getting ready to party here too!
I don't celebrate Halloween, but having very weird looking people banging on our door sounds like fun!
It seems like Helloween is definitely an Anglo-American thing. It doesn't matter here. Lovely decoration, though.
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