I thought this was a really ugly car, sitting roped off in the mall. But some folks must have liked it, for they oohed and aahed and took pictures of it. Wait, I took a picture, too.
I think it had something to do with a charity drawing. Buy a ticket and win the car.
Are the rims blue also or is that a reflection? I think I would pass on the raffle.
:) it does look as if a bucket of dirty blue has been poured on it!
Is there a nice color for a car? I kind of like the blue... or yellow or pink.
Love the mural a few posts down - really clever and pretty.
I wonder if it would look better if the wheels weren't blue.
Easy to spot, but this is too much!!:-)
un bleu très kitsh, elle ne passe pas inaperçue ;)
It is a very odd color blue. Hmmmmmm.....
I am not offended by what you say about snow. If I was where you are I am sure I would say the very same thing. In fact I know I would.
So I accept the inevitable. Wahhhh!
Oh go jump in the pool!!! MB
The color of the car seems a good reason not to buy a ticket...
I know a lot of alumni in our university who would love that blue. Blue on the wheels are a bit too much, I think.
If you owned that car would you always have the blues?
I would prefer in black or silver...Anyway it's not so bad in blue!People like different colours!
Maybe it would be much more cool in "red"because Christmas time!
Léia :)
If I won, I'd give it back.
I agree, it's not the most attractive car. You could resell it on ebay though! ;)
Your car is blue, mine is red! Fine minds think alike.
@ Small City Scenes - Jump in the pool? Yikes. The water's too cold...must be 68 degrees. Oh, I know - Stone Creek! The pools are heated there. Okay!
Electric blue? Whomever drives that car is STARVED for attention, wouldn't you say?
I dont care for this model car .. but I had my eye on a Miata in that color ..do they still make the Miata?
The charity was trying to get a car that people would like, but they blue it.
I suppose they give it away because of the color. Well, thanks, but no thanks. I'll have a Ford T instead, a black one.
Uh huh, nice if you want to be known around town I guess.
@ Memphis Mojo - Very funny!
@ Daryl - So far as I know the Miata is still available. Cute cars; would be great for NYC.
I think you're right; it's not so much the color as the car. Of course it didn't help that they painted everything, including the wheels blue!
In the world of today's show cars, this is actually a nice ride. It's not for me. I'd take a new Charger, or 300.... black for me please.... but I see why this car is being touted as a nice find. I have never been one who appreciates these very large rims. I look forward to the days when they go out of style.
The car would be tolerable without those rims!
Three Rivers Daily Photo
Holy fright! They took a handsome car and ruined it! «Louis» generally likes blue - but not this time! Someone else can 'win' the drawing. «Louis» will pass.....
Memphis Mojo: ROTFLMAO!!!!
I have to agree, that really is an ugly blue car.
Not my color either, but I'd buy a ticket...and have it painted if I won!
Yikes, that's awful. Makes one think twice about putting your name in the drawing!!!
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