This is our local political wacko who stands on the corner proclaiming his belief that President Obama is a "socialist" and is not fit to be president and that Sarah Palin should be president. Nobody's run him over yet.
Because we've been inundated with spam, we have been forced to use word verification on all of our blogs.
I recently got a ton of "Chinese" comments on my blog. I couldn't tell if they were spam or not, but they all seemed to say the same thing so I deleted them.
I think every city needs a local crazy! Yours looks very competent! :)
As to the camera question. I bought a Fuji Finepix for my trip to Hawaii. It is waterproof and can go underwater. THe photos are not that great though - but it was fun using it during our snorkel trip. Otherwise I'm still using my Nikon point and shoot. Although I do plan on getting a Nikon D3000 once I rack up enough Amazon points. :D
Very nice captures, colorful in many aspect, not just tones.
Palin? Yeah, like that would solve the world's problems! HA
Have you seen the movie "Crazies" yet? I haven't seen it, and wont, but for some reason it just popped into my mind.
I'm sure both Obama and Palin weigh heavily on this man's opinion. Sheesh!
The home of the Beave and the land of the Free. Ah yes.
We gave him free speech but what about free signage. I don't remember that admendment. MB
He is certainly entitled to his opinion, although I doubt that anyone is persuaded by the opinions of a person who has enough time on his hands that he stands on a street corner all day.
It's hard to change the minds of people, but, although possible, doing the nut-job thing is not the way. Good shots, though.
At least he has a purpose in life!
Put the fella on a plane to Alaska! :)
God bless you!
Hmm he's giving out his own opinion in his own innovative way! Nice shots Jacob!
Pixellicious Photos
This is a very old form of monetizing. However, I have know people who look like this in south Florida who could have owned property in Palm Beach. Pappy
Everyone is free to voice their opinion! What a character!
By the way, H1N1 shots at Walgreens today!
Ah ah I guess he won't get many votes for the grand old party! I like the comment left by Cezar and Leia! :-)
At least he is exercising his freedom of speech! But this is not the way to persuade the public that your pick is the best.
At least he is exercising his freedom of speech! But this is not the way to persuade the public that your pick is the best.
Hmmm. I'm thinking I wouldn't want this guy on my side.
Well his idea of who should be in charge is pretty scary! We have a couple of those around here and next week when the legislature convenes, they will really come out of the woodwork. I might have to keep my camera handy!
That's not John Edwards, is it? I must be lucky, no spam, yet.
I believe the difference between an American Robin and Canadian Robin is where they live. But an English Robin is way different. I sent you a picture of an English Robin. MB
He looks like a character! here in Bellingham, if you see a dude with a beard and a bicycle and a huge political sign, it's definitely NOT for the GOP! And the sign usually has a marijuana leaf on it somewhere.
John Edwards? HAHAHAHA!!
My spam was AWFUL--it's much better now but not entirely gone.
I wonder why there seem to be people like this everywhere? Screw loose?
Well, each to his own, as long as not too many people vote for Palin.
Let him have her. The mere name scares me.
I don't think Oeiras has its local crazy but I would more than welcome him as long as he would speak against the Mayor who I really hate! LOL!
Our local crazies are too busy staying out of the rain to have colorful signage like this. It's the people who DON'T look crazy and have similar sentiments that scare me.
:) Since I've lived in San Francisco for almost seven years I've seen lots of people like this guy (but back then the protests were against Bush - we're talking San Francisco :) )
I hate the spam; I was also forced to enable moderations on one of my blogs because of it.
I see the sign for flu shots bottom right - like selling people bogus shots for a non-existent epidemic is any less crazy - but far more profitable.
At least he's allowed to express himself and for that we should be grateful.
I think it's very thoughtful of him to provide you with this photo op. The last
"sign" person I photographed was about a conspiracy theory for 911. It was fascinating but in really bad taste. I never published it, for obvious reasons.
Interesting. Hope Sarah is not 'let loose'.
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