...you can purchase this crystal horse head for only $17,500 USD at The Paddock Room in Ocala. The Paddock Room has for many years been owned and operated by Caroline Burgeson and features equine art, books, horseman's gifts & boutique apparel. It is a beautiful store.
With beautiful prices. I can't even afford to window shop there.
That is lovely sculpture tho.
Hmmm. If I had $17,500 to spare...but I don't. I've already spent most of this week's allowance. Maybe next week.
Wow! Not for a home with toddlers.
You should really buy two so you can use them as bookends :)
Jacob - look but DON'T touch! You break it, you bought it!
Here's another Lalique horse, in this case used on a radiator cap.
It's really beautiful, but I'd have to save my pennies for quite a while!
It's a beauty, but seventeen-five!!
'Equine Art' doesn't sound nice to me... but this piece is really impressive, and not only for the price. In this price range they could do a better work with the 'Please do not touch' sign...
Not that bad a price for Lalique.
Just what I need! I'll take two!
The way you've captured it, the sculpture looks almost liquid.
It's wonderful!How much for the cute cat book?Beautiful!
Léia :)
Id probably adorn it with my baseball cap, so for me, I'd say nay!
Great picture! This is as close as I will come to having this thing of beauty in my home. (but I would if I could)
Why yes I do need another one to match the one I already have. Whinny whinny snort snort!!! MB
I'd be afraid to even take a picture of it!
Oh Jacob!! You live in a most beautiful part of the country too. Sun, sandy beaches, beautiful homes, great restuarants, nice people, should I go on> I think everywhere is mostly beautiful. But I will admit we got it all out here!! So thank you. MB
The head is so beautiful. But how much will it cost if it is joined with the body? It could buy a real horse.
Oh... (slapping my pockets) ... I seem to have left my checkbook at home...
Three Rivers Daily Photo
Jacob, is this one a "knock off" of the original, which you own?
Beautiful store, beautiful prices, eh?
Did ya miss my comment?
@ Ciel - Yup! But I found it again! Thanks!
I'm a big fan of Lalique's glass work from the Art Noveau period, he was the best!
It's awesome - but a bit pricey for my wallet... =[
I'll take two.
Looks good but like everyone said, a bit pricey.
Horse contemplates fox. It seems the the hounds are missing, which may be why the fox looks relaxed.
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