A couple of months ago, we posted photo number 3 - a barren and severely pruned tree in the Heathbrook outdoor mall. There were a large number of trees that looked exactly like this one.
The second photo was taken several weeks ago - same spot, different tree (I think).
The first photo derives from about a week ago...again, a different tree but same shopping center.
Actually, at this point with all the trees in full leaf, I'm not certain which one was the original!
The new replacement tree looks like a younger, thinner version of the old pruned tree. Sadly, the frequent outcome of a life well leafed.
I started to make a reply about the title, but decided to leaf it alone.
Ah, Paula is so wise.
Number three looks so sad. I am sure he cries, "leaf me alone" when he sees the gardener coming with the loppers.
bonne idée de photos ;)
The last two shots show the same tree (I think). The pruned one looks like very amputated. Enjoy the fresh green trees.
You know, the first 'barren' shots look like it is the same tree. New life... so good.
I wonder why landscapers put in trees that they know will get too big for the area and the when they look like they may grow, prune the whey out of them. Hmmm I say LEAF THEM ALONE!!!!
Just an ole tree hugger.
We all think Kylee is lookin' OK too. What brought that up?
A very good idea, I'll try this next year!
neat series
Is that white SUV yours? It's in the first and second photo. It might also be on the third if the parking lot was captured, too. Nah, I'll leaf it alone.
Nice photos of tree leaf evolution. :-)
Mother Nature has amazing recuperative powers.
I love your punny title. There are (I think sycamores) amputated like that on a regular basis, and just when I think they're dead, new leaves sprout.
Reminds me of those naked trees in San Francisco ... de-leafed by some tree virus they never regrew leaves ....
Sometimes a hard pruning is necessary. Looks like it worked out well for this tree!
It's amazing how they transform themselves after being pruned like that!
Nature at its best! Great sequence, Jacob.
Those are hardy trees! Kind of reminds me of pruning at the orchard...we didn't prune back that much, but the trees sure looked bare till the new growth came.
Funny play on words for the title of the post. And quite inspiring to see the different phases of the tree (let's assume it was the same in all pics...)!
God bless you!
Ah yes--the Kylee comment---She of course does take after her grand(roll those r r rs)mama!!! Indubitably. totally dude. MB
It's lovely, isn't it? Watching trees come back to life. Love the green leaves.
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I think you should have tied a red ribbon on the original one. :) I must say the first one looked dead to me but now appears to be very alive.
Thank goodness the poor little tree revived.
Very nice trio and update. Lovely.
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