Saturday, October 1, 2011

Comfort Corner


Memphis MOJO said...

That looks like a great spot to sit and read my Kindle, or, maybe, take a nap!

Stefan Jansson said...

No skydiving today then?

Small City Scenes said...

Heh heh yourself!!! You know what I mean. Sun rises here at 7:20 or so.

And BTW you are right---snow up on Mt. Baker.


Pat said...

Very comfy. Today is is so cold in Seattle, I'd curl up there.

magiceye said...

nice to meditate ...

Birdman said...

I'd stay put today. I'd not even venture out to restaurants.... are you smiling????????

Cezar and Léia said...

It's a very special place!Beautiful details!

Unknown said...

Very nice, Jacob.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Nice spot to sit with a good book and relax :)

Gunn said...

Looks like a very good chair...
Enjoy your quiet corner, and enjoy something nice to drink and a good book!:)

Gunn / Stavangerdailyphoto

"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." — Henri Cartier-Bresson