Monday, April 30, 2018
Off the Top Barber Shop
This is Joel. Joel is the owner/operator of Off the Top Barber shop on Ocala's east side, and has been in business there for about 39 years. He has a dedicated group of customers and rightly so, for Joel has a wonderful personality, a good sense of humor, and makes hair cutting a nice experience.
Note: For those who are interested, I'm posting again on my Images blog HERE.
Sunday, April 29, 2018
A Home for Humans & a Large RV in East Ocala
This beautiful home is in a small community of relatively expensive homes that were probably built in the late 70's or early 80's. Notice that it includes a regular garage and then a larger garage, the latter to house one of those huge RV "buses".
Saturday, April 28, 2018
The Tack House at The Trilogy Ocala Resort
About 10 years ago, a new subdivision was to be built in northwest Ocala called Ashley Farms. As I recall, the land had been a used as a horse farm. But about that time the housing market collapsed and only a few homes were ever built.
Then a couple of years ago, along came the Shea Company which took over the land and renamed it Trilogy at Ocala Preserve, and thus began a new, beautiful 55 + community which ultimately will consist of about 1500 homes. Because this is where we live, we've posted a number of photos of Trilogy and of the large Oak House which houses many of the amenities Trilogy offers, including a fine restaurant.
But there's another structure near the main entrance known as the Tack House, which also includes a variety of amenities and the sales offices. The name, Tack House, relates to the area's many horse farms. A tack house or room contains many of the items used in raising horses, such as saddles and bridles, etc. There are no horses here, and no saddles or bridles but there is a small cafe, rooms for games and exercise, televisions and an outside eating area which you see pictured above.
As you know, on occasion I enjoy getting a little "artsy," and in this instance, I'm showing you the side entrance to the Tack House, and the outside eating area. The golf carts that are used to show prospective home buyers around the property are located in a covered walkway.
At first, I thought this treatment of the photo was too much, but the more I looked at it the better I liked it, so here it is. The Tack House, at Trilogy at Ocala Preserve as no one has seen it before!
h/t to MB HERE.
Friday, April 27, 2018
Big Tractor, Small Yard
This is one of those things that you see once in awhile; an anomaly, something that's verifiably out-of-place. The tractor sits in the front yard of a small house in the historic area of Ocala. There seems to be no reason for it to be there.
'Tis a mystery for sure!
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Charging a Tesla
This charging station for Teslas and other electric cars has been in existence for about two years, I believe. I do not believe there are other charging stations for electric vehicles in Ocala, other than those at car dealerships which sell electric cars/trucks. At least I have not seen any.
These Teslas are stealth vehicles. It's like they ride on the whisper of the wind. Quiet and sleek they make almost no noise.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Requiem for a forest
Up until a few weeks ago, this acreage was a beautiful forest filled with oaks and pines and a variety of bushes. It abuts one of Trilogy's trails.
Then, suddenly bulldozers appeared out of nowhere and knocked it all down, which, in my opinion, is a tragedy of monumental proportions and was doubtless made possible because some developer got the County Commissioners to approve a project which will make him a lot of money while destroying precious trees.
Although I've asked around, I have been unable to determine what the land will be used for. One rumor suggests it will be a large set of storage facilities for people who have more junk than they can store in their homes. You've probably heard the phrase "ostentatious consumption," which is often an apt designation of some citizens of this fair land.
The final fly in the ointment is that they've been burning the trees they knocked down filling the air with smoke making it hard to breathe in certain nearby areas.
This past weekend has been especially busy for myself and Lois Anne, so I'm a bit behind on my commenting. Also, with regard to the previous post featuring a bunch of chairs, those who guessed that it was a dentist's office were correct!
Monday, April 23, 2018
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Friday, April 20, 2018
Water Tank - Downtown Ocala
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
If you were to ask me for directions, I'd have to say I don't think you can get there from here unless you're going north or south! 🤭
Monday, April 16, 2018
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Bikes at Dick's
Dick's is a sporting goods store which sells just about any kind of sports equipment you can imagine along with clothing and shoes and guns and treadmills, etc.
Dick's also sells bicycles. The cheaper version. They look pretty good. And they're not bad. However, a bike repair man told me it's not always a good thing to buy a cheap bike. In a year or two it is likely to need repairs and you'll end up spending about as much as it cost originally to get it fixed.
He may have been exaggerating. But I don't think so; especially if you ride a lot.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
They came from Texas...
...and believe, perhaps, that the couple that ________ and ________ together, stays together. Fill in the blanks with "bikes" and "kayaks" and see if that works. There are two kayaks. There is one bike, but it is a tandem, which means two can ride as one.
Monday, April 9, 2018
Fast through the forest...
A biker rode down the path at full speed. My camera came out of a bag. I raised the camera to my eye. Whoosh! The biker disappeared in the woods. Can you imagine that?
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Yes, but will she rust?
While out shopping with Lois Anne, I discovered this metallic mermaid and had to take a photo. If we still had a pool, and if I really liked this thing, I might have bought it and put it out next to or in the pool. And the first question that raises, of course, is "Yes, but will she rust?"
Fortunately, I dislike the metallic mermaid and we no longer have a pool, so the question, while of modest interest, is moot.
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Friday, April 6, 2018
Ocala Bicycle Center
The Ocala Bicycle Center is owned and operated by Carrie and Dan Miller. They opened for business in 2005, shortly after we moved to Ocala. As I recall, we were among their first customers and over the years have purchased several bikes from them.
They are family people, and invest themselves in the community in a variety of ways. Honesty and integrity are fundamental to their business. And they care about their customers. Although we may not see them for months they never forget who we are and greet us warmly when we walk in the door.
If you wish to know more, please check out this website HERE.
Carrie Miller
Dan Miller
A few of their bikes for sale
The bikes run between several hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.
Dean - An excellent bike technician. Lest you think setting up and repairing modern bicycles is an easy job, let me assure you that it requires much training and a great deal of skill. Dean knows how to do the job.
Carrie - On her way to make a delivery
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Where Are the Life Jackets?
It was a beautiful day. A dad or some other adult took the kids for a boat ride. It's only about 50 feet deep here and maybe the kids can swim. Or not. But can you imagine the chaos that would ensue if that boat began to take on water or if one of the kids fell overboard?
And, incomprehensibly, I don't see any life jackets. I'm not sure, but believe life jackets are required by law. They certainly are required by common sense.
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
At first I thought this was a small plane. Then I thought it was a racing car. Lastly I thought it was some kine of racing boat. What do you think?
Monday, April 2, 2018
Drive-by Drug Dealer
Psst...don't tell anyone but you can buy your drugs here. You simply pull your car up to that little window, place your order and your drugs will be delivered along with a bill. Of course, because this is a Publix Pharmacy, you will need to provide a prescription. Still....
Sunday, April 1, 2018
A Little Red Riding Maching
It is April 1. The powers that be at City Daily Photo have mandated that the theme for the first of April has to do with a photo dominated by one color. No, that's not an April Fool's joke. Thus, a Little Red Riding Machine.
You can see other interpretations of the theme HERE.
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"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." — Henri Cartier-Bresson