I am back, at least temporarily. A variety of health issues have made blogging impossible for the past few months, but things are looking up now. I just don't know how long the present situation will last. It is good to be back and to see so many familiar blogs and friends still blogging away.
The gentleman in the first photo above is Jody. He's an employee of Flint Creek Outfitters in the Heathbrook Outdoor Mall. Flint Creek sells most everything one would need to spend time outside in the woods or the mountains or on a trail. Their goods are not inexpensive but are of high quality.
Jody works in the Flint Creek bicycle shop. He is a fascinating young man and is what's considered a long-haul bicyclist. His bike, pictured here, is just about ready for a long ride; it is loaded with water, food, a tent, all the utensils one would need, medical supplies, etc. When we met him, Jody was planning a 200-300 mile ride across Georgia and Florida.
Jody is also active in a religious group known as Church in the Garden which is for the "housed" and the "unhoused". They take their religion out of the building and put it into practice by providing food and clothing and haircuts and all kinds of other assistance for people in need, many of which are living on the street.
You can learn more about all of this here: www.weargloves.org, and www.dignityroasters.com.
Please Google Flint Creek Outfitters for more info on that operation.
The bikes you see in the last photo were, as I recall, made in Spain. They are quite expensive but exquisitely created.