Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church is located on Hwy 200, west of downtown Ocala. It is set back from the road, and we've driven by numerous times without noticing it. The other day, however, we saw a large group of black folks exiting the church building and decided we needed to photograph this quaint religious facility.
If you look closely at the second photograph, you'll see, off to the right, a covered area which appears to be for picnics or informal gatherings. Also to the right, off in the distance, is a cemetery. We would guess this church has been around for many years.
Just a click down the road and fronting Highway 200 is College Road Baptist Church, a huge operation covering several acres. College Road Baptist overwhelms Mt. Calvary and that's probably one reason we have not noticed the smaller church previously.
Ocala is in the "Bible Belt," and is Baptist country. I would guess there are between 75 to 100 Baptist churches in our relatively small town. Maybe more.
Mt. Calvary describes itself as "soul winning fundamental."