Some people, for various reasons, cover up their cars with special "sheets." Sometimes they do this because the car is very valuable and they don't want anything untoward to happen to it. Other times, the car must be left out in the weather and so by covering it they hope to avoid dirt, bird droppings, acorn droppings, sleet and snow. Wait, we don't have sleet and snow here. Rain, then.

Our thanks to Kcalpesh at Pixellicious Photos for sending us this "friends" award. One of the great things about City Daily Photo is the opportunity to make friends with people around the world. Please check out Pixellicious Photos
You forgot where you were there for a second w/ the sleet & snow, huh?! hehehee
Congratulations on the award, you deserve it!
Now I'm off to check out Pixellicious Photos
Waiting to be uncovered and raring to go... the picture depicts the potential energy hidden under the cover ;)
Clever title.... works in b and w, but then you know that huh :)!!!
Thanks again for your kind words. I missed posting and seeing your pix and reading your thoughts. Maybe these folks ought to put their baby in the garage.
Wouldn't you love to pull the cover back and find a Gremlin? (heh-heh)
A big congrats on the award. You two deserve it and many more!
Maybe it's a 'hot' car---hiding in plain sight.
Congrats on the are indeed a friend. MB
beau b&w, et j'aime ce contrasme entre la bâche de la voiture et la maison.
beautiful b & w and I like this contrasme between the sheet of the car and house.
I haven't seen these things here since the 60s!
Maybe it still hasn't taken off its Halloween spook costume!
Congratulations on the Pixellicious award and on this fine b&w image of power under wraps.
I walked outside to find a peacock on my car yesterday. Sure wish the car had been covered. He left quite a mess.
@ B Squared - A peacock? Not a peahen? Not a gull? A peacock? Sheesh!
@ B Squared: You have wild peacocks in Ft Lauderdale?? Neat!
@ Jacob: Do you know what kind of car is lurking under there? It looks muscle-y.
@ Lee - This is Florida. Most folks hereabouts have so much other junk (you know, plastic pink flamingos, etc.) in their garages that their cars cannot fit. You will often see 2, 3 or 4 cars parked in driveways and/or lawns while the garages are filled top to bottom with boxes, lawn gear, bikes, motorcycles, tools, clothing, and anything else you can imagine.
That's because most houses in Florida don't have a basement to store junk in! I have a two car garage and I can barely fit one car in there. Congratulations on your well deserved award!
Now we're really getting into the severe limitations of our Florida abodes. Attics we have, and they can reach temperatures of 120 degrees as we know. I've seen holiday decorations stored in nifty plastic containers melt into blobs up there. And Christmas candles, too. Garages are another problem. As Lois said, we don't have basements, so our garage becomes a huge - rent-free storeoom.
Jacob, do you keep your Lamborghini in the garage or is Lois Anne's Ferrari inside with the bikes?
It's the same here. No room for cars in the garage!
congrats, well deserved indeed
And that ghost car is fun ... does the horn go BOOO?
I don't think that will protect much from hail, but I bet you get more sunshine than hail anyway and that cover is great for protecting paint from the sun. Congrats on another award. It is well deserved as your pictures are awesome.
So . . . are they storing stuff in the car & have it all covered up so people cannot see inside?
I was wondering why it just wasn't in the garage, but now I understand -- the garage is full of plastic pink flamingos!
Congratulations on your award.
Three Rivers Daily Photo
Wow, a ghost car! Congrats!
Funny how garages have become extensions of our storage areas. Pretty soon you'll see piles of stuff covered in the driveway - not just the car. OK, maybe I AM exaggerating here...or not.
That's a beautiful photo.
Just like the Italians on Long Island covering their sofas with plastic.
@ Frank...the bikes are in the attic melting; the cars are in the garage.
I'm LOL at B2's peacock droppings on his car! Ewwww
Now don't forget the dreaded south Florida "love bugs" Jacob. They're a mess for sure!
@ Virginia - No one here can for "love bugs." We get them twice a year in Ocala...what a mess they make! I think we're good to go for awhile, tho!
Hmmm...its does look like a ghost! Nice black and white.
I liked your idea, you put this valuable car inside a beautiful frame!
I got your idea and it's great!
Léia :)
Congrats on your well-deserved award! I just had a vision of the night full of ghost cars flying about.
I find it interesting how much "love" some people invest in their car. Hey, it's just a car! Nice picture, though.
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