There's a very funny photo blogger in Fort Lauderdale, Florida known as B Squared. Lately, he's been posting some very funny mail boxes he's located around his city. The other day, I happened upon these two mailboxes standing side by side chatting about the load of mail they have to bear and mentioned B Squared's Fort Lauderdale mailboxes. Well, they were so impressed, their little red flags flew up in unison in a salute to the mailboxes of Fort Lauderdale!
Naturally, I had to take a picture of this phenomenon.
une famille séparée ; chacun sa boite aux lettres
B Squared mailboxes are legend over here, you have found a nice way to salute him!
I like mail boxes.
Bel hommage
These look like the mailbox my grandmother had. It was a thrill for me to put a letter in the box, and flip up the flag. Another thrill was when the flag was down, and I'd rush out to get the mail.
Yes, you had to :)
It's a nice take!
Long-tailed Shrike
Clever post. B Squared will most likely be sending his reply by mail.
Phenomenal photo! This seems to be a heavy mail week for you!
Oh, that B Squared - he's a funny, good guy! (I hope you don't rub off on him, Jacob Meister!)
I second that salute. MB
This is a funny photo. You should hold a caption contest for this.... Or maybe a joke contest. "What did one mail box say to the next mail box...."
Of course you did! I have always enjoyed B Squared's blog and especially the mailboxes.
Oh goodness! Now we have two of you!! ;-)
Happy Friday!
@ Bibi - I still do that every day! Well, only when I put mail in the mailbox for the mailman to pick up.
I think they are sister!
and cute!
Léia :)
"What did one mail box say to the next mail box...."
You know I had a girlfriend mailbox, but I had to letter go.
(Sorry, couldn't resist.)
LOL! No you couldn't have passed that up!
Twin mailboxes. And to think you actually heard them chatting! Hmmmmm.
@ Memphis - That's very good!
LOL! What a riot! Cute.
Quite a story there, Jacob! heheheee
These are so dark! Are they mourning? I wish we had nice ones though, we can't show you any!
Two Flags Up .. I'd say that was equal to a standing ovation!
I was totally confused when I saw this - well, more than usual - and I say "Flags off to you and 2B."
It's a pretty cool find. And sorry I haven't been visiting. I have the flu. '~(
"Letter go"! HAR love that!
And a big salut to our B2 from me as well. I've got a mailbox up my sleeve to knock his socks off. I've just got to ask my friend at church tomorrow if I can photograph hers.
Great post Jacob.
I really do not need any other blogs to follow, but now I have to go check out B Squared...at least for the mailboxes...
I am truly touched! Then again, many would agree with that. Thank you very much. Hope to find more, but the mail is a little slow these days.
I love the postbox, especially the little red on the top. It is similar to my postbox logo.
You can drop me postcard if you like :)
You Got A Posty
All Little Things I Like
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