Last year at this time we were blessed with three beautiful bougainvillea plants which produced the most gorgeous leaves. Then we experienced the coldest winter since moving to Ocala with two back-to-back nights in the 20s. That ended the bougainvilleas. They've since been replaced with flora less hazardous and easier-to-care-for, but not quite as pretty.
If you click on it, the photo might get bigger.
The is beautiful. The reds are totally stunning. Color here is at a complete absence. We have multiple shades of grey.... and brown. Thankfully, Christmas lights are starting to appear. At least we'll have some manufactured color for a while.
Wow, look at that color. Sorry you lost them. I looked today and we're supposed to get down into the twenties next week. Oh joy!
You were right, it did get bigger. Very pretty, too.
OK, normally I prefer the "real thing" photos, but what you did with this is just perfect. I LOVE this one! I grew up with bougainvillea outside the window, and I enjoyed seeing it tonight. Yes, summer is gone here. Nothing but pouring rain and howling winds and a few sun breaks. It's still gorgeous, but not as inviting to get outside.
bel effet photoshop (ou autre)
Bougainvillas are so so pretty. Gorgeous hot colors. They don't do well here at all. An expensive annual. So striking though. MB
Still nice colors! I love all sorts of bougainvillea!
Next year... ;-) beautiful shot! You are about to mourn your bougainvillées and we're mourning the trees... ;-)
I am not a big fan of effects, but this is not bad as photo. As an bstract image is really beautiful!
I think this one has a nice color.
Beautiful and lovely shot Jaocb !! Great Post !!
I'm surprised that you lost them. You could try again and next time you know you're in for a cold spell, give them a sheet to cover up with. That's what we do up to here to extend the season. I actually grow Agapanthus here in Mass., truly not meant for this zone and they make it through the worst of winters. I cover them up with a blanket of leaves.
A lovely photo of some beautiful blooms! Happy Thanksgiving, early! I don't know why I'm being so darn nice today?
@ Safe Leif - The reason, I'm sure, is that Santa is coming and you have a lot to make up for in the next month! If you are really nice, you may even get one present.
Heehee, I have to agree with you — bougainvillea bloom so wonderfully and need so little care but those dang thorns make pruning them so difficult! Not to mention the fact that the blooms all die after a day so there's always lots and lots to sweep in the morning. ;)
@ Hilda - Actually, I glad their gone; they just weren't worth the trouble. And being close to the pool, thorny stuff always ended up in the water when I was trying to trim them. Yikes!
@ Antjas - Thank you for the hint. Actually we did try to cover them for several years - but they grew so big it was impossible. (Every plant in Florida will grow into a tree if it gets the chance!). Read my comment to Hilda. :-)
The only place I've ever seen bougainvilla is in the south of France. Very beautiful!
I love this flower. Reminds me of happy times in the south of France.
In need to confess that I'm not good to know names of birds, plants or flowers.Thanks for teaching me !
This flower is so beautiful, I enlarged the picture and it's nicer!
They don't grow here but I love to see them blooming in the valley whenever we venture down the mountain to Phoenix. Nice picture.
@ Memphis - Thanks. If you told that to people who know me, they would probably tell you that's the first time ever that I've been right about anything!
Very pretty! It's so gloomy here, that really brightened my day! :)
Those sure POP!
Too bad the temperatures went so low and killed your precious plants. The blossoms are so pretty - I'm assuming they are every bit as pretty as the ones I've seen in Phoenix.
Gorgeous flowers. Named after a frenchman! :)
That color sure is beautiful Jacob!
The colors are so vivid and the flowers just beautiful. You enhanced the whole image. Nice!
Even though you live "up north," you haven't learned to cover all the "sensitive" plants and then give each and every one their own little heater. Love-e-e your plants, Jacob. Even the ones that have thorns and stick you when you and the Mrs. are "dipping" in the pool. :)
@ Frank - Oh, oh! Who told you about the "dipping"?
Beautiful! Good shot! They're my favorite plants. I have 3 in my garden. They're bonsai and thornless, but they're not blooming at this time. Please tell L.A.to slow down.
@ Nopham - Sounds like you are enjoying the Florida lifestyle once again! In spite of their beauty these plants are a pain...but I might like the bonsai and thornless ones!
Tell L.A. to slow down? Hah!
@ Asta - Our winter temperatures are not as warm as South Florida, but we usually stay in the 60s or 70s during the day and the 40s or 50s at night. On occasion we will dip into the 30s at night and once in a blue moon into the 20s.
Last year, though, we had two nights in succession at about 22 degrees, and while a lot of our plants can take one night at the temperature, they can't survive two nights.
This is a very cool photo, Jacob! There are still some in bloom here too, but you can easily tell it's about to end.
This is so beautiful, match to someone's theme day as RUBY Tuesday!
You Got A Posty
All Little Things I Like
These are hard to capture well and you did a great job!! Beautiful.
I really like this bougainvillea: photo enhances the beauty of color!
Beautiful shot!
What happened?! «Louis» clicked the photo and it got smaller!
@ Louis - Stop pulling my leg, you mad cow!
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