Friday, November 27, 2009

Owen Patrick Fitzgerald

Last Tuesday, we headed to South Florida as our granddaughter, Amber, who was with child, had entered the hospital with the expectation of delivering said child. Soon. But it didn't happen on Tuesday. It happened on Wednesday, November 25.

And so we greeted our first great-grandchild, Owen Patrick Fitzgerald, and welcomed him into the world.

Not that we're proud, nor prone to exaggerate, but Owen is about perfect, as you can see.

Our family's celebration of Thanksgiving, however, was upended by Owen's arrival, and other factors. Suffice it to say, we did not do the usual, "traditional" thing, but instead, Lois Anne and I gathered with our two daughters (one from Colorado), and a son-in-law, and celebrated Thanksgiving at what's known as the 84 Diner in Davie, Florida. The 84 Diner gets its name from the fact it's located on old Highway 84.

But the omelets, hashbrowns, pancakes, bacon, salads, bagels, and pieces of toast were wonderful!

Thank you all for your kind greetings and well-wishes. It is so nice to have such great friends all over the world!


PJ said...

I see that you haven't posted any comments yet so I know you must be busy with your beautiful new arrival. What a blessing. Congratulations on your special Thanksgiving babe. Every six or seven years (2011 for starters) his birthday will fall on Thanksgiving and it's kinda fun!

Antjas said...

How absolutely wonderful! Congratulations.

Don and Krise said...

And once again, you are blessed. Congratulations to you all!
P.S. Don't worry Jacob. We've been holding down the fort while you two have been gone. ;-)

nopham said...

Congratulations! You're right....he's perfect....likes his great grandpa! Have a good weekend.

Lowell said...

@ Nopham - Now, I'm blushing! You're too kind!

Lowell said...

@ Don and Krise - Thank you! Fort? What fort? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Jacob & Lois, it looks as if Thanksgiving has brought on a new meaning for you guys! WoW! Here's to a happy HEALTHY baby boy!!!
Be proud, be very proud & congratulations to the new mommy, too!!!

Cindy said...

Congratulations!!! What a beautiful baby. He looks perfect to me too! I'm sure he'll get plenty of love and attention from you and Lois Anne. Enjoy.

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» sends his congratualations to all! And «Louis» agrees - your grandson is perfect!

Jan said...

Best Thanksgiving, ever, for your family.

Kate said...

Owen looks like a precious little bundle. He is really quite handsome, and, probably takes after his great grand-dad. wow! Your family is growing. BTW, your Thanksgiving feast sounds perfect!!

Judy said...

How wonderful! What could be more beautiful than that brand new baby. Congratulations! said...

Wow! This is a Thanksgiving you will never forget! I don't think it ever gets better than this!
Congratulations to you & yours & a big welcome to dear Owen. & yes he is perfect.

magicpolaroid said...

congratulations!!!what a baby!! hugs

mar guerra said...

Felicidades, es un bebé muy hermoso. Un saludo.

Small City Scenes said...

You are not stretching the truth a bit--young Owen is perfect. Con grats and happiness.

Welcome home to you both. MB

VP said...

What a surprise for us, and a wonderful reason for a different Thanksgiving! I am sure both you and Lois Anne are very happy and proud of this baby boy. Congratulations and... Tanti Auguri!

Rob Siemann said...

Time to give thanks indeed! All our best wishes to the baby, parents, grand parents and great grant parents!!!
And welcome to yet another Irishman! We need more of those!!!

Pat said...

Welcome, Owen! You are handsome (and perfect!)

Glad he is healthy, and congratulations to all.

cieldequimper said...

Bonjour petit soleil ! Bienvenue ! Go on great-grandparents, get out your dictionary! Congratulations to you both and to the parents, they can be proud of a beautiful baby! Next time you see Owen, please give him a soft kiss on the tip of the nose for me!

EG CameraGirl said...

I'd say celebrating Owen Patrick's birth is way more fun than eating turkey! And now you have something to talk about at next year's Thanksgiving dinner. ;-)

brattcat said...

What delightful news. Great-grandparents! Can you believe it? May you enjoy many wonderful moments with this new member of the family. May you also enjoy many wonderful meals like your Thanksgiving at the 84 Diner. It all sounds just about perfect to me.

Leif Hagen said...

Aha! Got it! Congratulations, great-Grandpa Jacob! Owen is definitely a "keeper!" You didn't give his stats - pounds, inches... I hope all are well!
Couldn't you find Route 66 - they made a song about that one ya know!

Lowell said...

@ Safe Leif - Thanks. Stats? Huh? He was the right size and length. OK?

As for Rte 66, Lois and I actually drove that for many miles on several trips we made from Minneapolis to Phoenix back in the "good ol' days" when we were young ... before Holiday Inn or even HoJo's ...

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Jacob: Surfing the city daily photo portal, this photo stood out like a beacon of light. So white, pure, glorious. And to think this child is your grandchild! The best Thanksgiving ever!

José luis said...

felicidaes a ti a toda la familia, la llegada de un nuevo miembro es siempre un motivo para tener ganas de vivir y dar cariño a toda la familia, enhorabuena, jose luis.

Lowell said...

@ Greensboro - Thank you! Actually, though, it is our Great-grandchild! Yikes!

Lois said...

Oh Jacob, he's just so beautiful! What a wonderful Thanksgiving. Congratulations!

Stefan Jansson said...

Congrats to everyone!

Trillian said...

What a wonderful baby! Benvenuto! A great kiss for the baby and...congratulations!

Frank said...

I think the 84 Diner is having a plaque made to celebrate and commemorate this joyous occasion. A mosy joyous occasion cannot be imagined. The entire family forgoing their traditional Thanksgiving feast and instead, toasting the handsome new great-grandson with diner coffee, hashbrowns and plenty of syrup.

Jacob, you and Lois Anne must be so, so extremely happy and proud to welcome Owen Patrick into the family. As people all over the world can attest, Amber has really fine grandparents and nothing could make a holiday that focuses solely on family and giving thanks for our many blessings deeper meaning then the birth of a beautiful and healthy child.

Congratulations to Amber and your entire family!

It sure gives Thanksgiving new and even greater meaning. Thank you for sharing your extraordinary news with us.

Virginia said...

Oh where have I been! Ohhhhh I just love me a newborn baby and Sweet Baby Owen is just a precious blessing. Owen, smoochie smooches to you from your "Aunt Mumsie"! Oh, Jacob and Lois Anne. I am th rilled that you were able to be there for his arrival. Enjoy and take zillions of photos and make us look at everyone. I sure do!!

Charlestonjoan said...

How exciting! What a little darling. Congratulations. I can't think of a more perfect Thanksgiving.

nopham said...

Owen is precious!

nopham said...

Congrats to L.A. and D. and well wishes to Amber. Owen is perfect likes L.A. and D., his mother...but handsome likes his great grandpa, and no blushing...please!

Lowell said...

Thank you all for your most gracious comments! You have warmed our hearts and we appreciate so much being part of this wonderful blogging community!

Cezar and Léia said...

So big boy sees now the light of the world?! Congratulations! Could you ever have a bettern Thanksgiving celebration than this? :)
God bless you!

Allison said...

Congratulations Jacob and Lois! What a wonderful gift during this beautiful holiday season.
Safe Leif and I never got the boy recipe right...8 girls between us and our spouses! Maybe someday we'll be able to spoil a grandson or great grandson, like you get to!! Best wishes to you all!

Dan J. said...

Congratulations my friend. I hope the mother and child are happy and healthy. It is always wonderful to welcome a new life to the world.

Halcyon said...

He looks perfect to me!!

What a wonderful pre-Thanksgiving surprise. And the 84-Diner sounds like a great place to celebrate to me!!

Lisa Wilson said...

Congratulations!! He is beautiful! I'm sure that will be a very memorable Thanksgiving.

Unknown said...

Many congratulations, Lois and Jacob! Owen looks so cute! :-)

jusdealem said...

Awww, he is precious! A perfect little bundle. Congrats to you all!

Gunn said...

CONGRATULATIONS to both you and the rest of the family!:-)
He looks so happy and relaxed,- and he is so beautiful!!

amatamari© said...

Oh how beautiful and perfect!

Susie of Arabia said...

Congratulations on the birth of your first great-granchild - what a thrill that must be! I'm so happy for you.
I've been to the 84 Diner many times!!! It's great for breakfast, lunch OR dinner!
Sorry I've not been around - I was traveling and busy taking care of family business. But I'm back now and trying to catch up!

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Congratulations dear Jacob and to Lois Anne - and to your daughter and husband. A lovely little baby to be sure - he looks so peaceful and content. Best wishes for the future and may he have a happy life.
Melbourne Daily Photo

tapirgal said...

Wonderful, Jacob and Lois Ann! Thanks for sharing this beautiful photo. It IS nice to have friends around the world to share with!

"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." — Henri Cartier-Bresson