At one of the main entrances to Brownwood in The Villages, a new group of sculptures representing a cattle drive has been added in recent months. The sculptures are well-done and quite realistic.
Unfortunately, it was a hot, bright, very sunny day when I took the photos, so they are very contrasty. Mea culpa.
Superbe !
I thought they were real.
ps YOU are excused.
I'm guessing the chances of seeing a real cattle drive in the area are slim to none.
Aren't you supposed to add maxima? Mea culpa maxima?
I loooove this. But in Florida? Cattle drives? Really? What do I know!
Quite a sculptural set!
Great series, Lowell! I know what you mean, sometimes the sun can work with you and other times against you when it comes to taking photos. Still, I really enjoyed this series, so thank you so much for sharing them.
I really like this! My great uncle was a cattleman in central Florida. This reminds me of him.
I don't think of cattle drives and Florida together though these sculptures seem very nicely done. Does one have to have boots and a cowboy hat to buy here? And horses?
(BTW: Rose hips are very high in vitamin C which is why you thought of them in vitamins. But they are very, very tart. People usually eat them cooked in massive amounts of sugar and made into jelly.)
Oh, I love these, Lowell!! Thank you so much for sharing!! Hope you're ready for a great weekend!!
At first glance I thought they were all real, great job... and photos!
I like the contrasty-ness. It somehow adds to the charm. I somehow feel the whole thing is like a movie set!
Quite realistic and impressive!
Bronze sculptures are the hardest to capture Lowell, well that's my excuse for my tomorrow's post :) This is a super multi piece sculpture, beautifully done!
Beautiful realistic sculptures, they also shine pretty, which material will that be?
I wonder how the neighbours would feel about a REAL cattle drive down their pristine streets. :)
Those are very realistic indeed. In that first shot I thought it was an actual cattle drive until I notice how shiny that cowboy's shirt was (not to mention his horse).
Very neat!!!!
I didn't say I didn't want to have GGrands just that how could I ever be OLD enough. LOL
I like this installation a lot!
I know exactly of what you speak - taking photos of sculptures like these. Yours came out nicely. I had a problem when I was in Wickenburg, Az, last year. The sun was so bright. All my shots were rubbish (and of course I didn't know that until I got home in England. It was too late to go back at try again.) Oh well.
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