Monday, October 10, 2016

New York Yankees Car

The word, "fan," derives from "fanatic." A fan, therefore, is fanatical about something or someone. Sports fans are noted for their fanaticism. Some sports fans go to extreme lengths to show their love for their favorite team or player.

The owner of this car would seem to be a fanatical fan of the New York Yankees baseball team; so much so that he had his car painted with the same stripes that are worn on the uniforms of New York Yankees players.

I don't understand this, but then I'm fanatical about other things. But what those things are shall remain a mystery.

Okay, one of them is photography.  You got it out of me.  Sheesh!  Are you happy now?


Judy said...

How funny! That truly must be a fanatic.
Glad I got that mystery out of you. I would guess golf might be another one of those things.

Linda said...

LOL Lowell! Love your humour! Great find! I have never seen this before. Thanks so much for sharing. :)

Kate said...

Does golf count for you?

Michelle said...

Wow, this is quite a car. And here I thought those eyelashes on the VW bugs were crazy.

Catalyst said...

As a lifelong Yankees hater, I think that car is incredibly ugly. :^D

Kay said...

I agree with Kate. There's golf.
This car makes quite a statement. Amusing.

Marleen said...

It's an interesting world for us photobloggers.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

É um belo carrinho.
Um abraço e boa semana.

Tanya Breese said...

that is pretty neat!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You made me laugh again Lowell 😀 Yes I thought golf would have been on your list too 😊 I have to say yes I do love photography but can't think of anything that I'm truly fanatical about.. well there's chocolate I guess 😀😀

William Kendall said...

This fan must be quite disappointed with how the season ended.

A lot of Jays fans are over the moon.

Sharon said...

There are good fanatics and bad fanatics. This one is the good kind, it's colorful and it doesn't hurt anyone. The bad fanatics....well, we won't go there.

Bergson said...

I never will have à car team

RedPat said...

That is a REAL fan, Lowell!

Halcyon said...

I'd never be fanatical enough to decorate my car like this!

Bill said...

I hate the Yankees and the car stinks too :) Red Sox fan here, you would never see that car in Boston unless it was burnt out on the side of the road :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Youre also fanatical about finding strange and whimsical things to take pictures of -- and describe perfectly. I guess that's part of the same fanatacism. We are all glad you are afflicted!

"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." — Henri Cartier-Bresson