Monday, November 19, 2018

Coke by any other name...

This is a true story. I was shopping in one of our local stores when I realized I was thirsty. So, before checking out, I located one of those small "refrigerators" used to keep soda pop cold. I reached in, pulled out a bottle of Diet Coke.

To my astonishment, I saw it featured my last name. No, I don't think there was anything sinister or other worldly about this.  It's probably a marketing gimmick. But, strangely, I've not seen any other Coke bottles with personal names on them.

Whatever, the bottle occupies a place of honor on my workbench in the garage.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

What are the chances! I believe you Lowell, thousands wouldn't 😀

silvia de angelis said...

Sempre originali i tuoi articoli
Buona settimana,silvia

Sharon said...

I've seen them with first names on them but, never with last names. That really is quite a coincidence. If that happened to me I'd have to keep the bottle too. However with my strange last name, if that happened to me it would truly be spooky.

William Kendall said...

It can also be used as a first name, so that doesn't surprise me. I've seen these before here.

Marleen said...

I can imagine your surprise at that moment. That must have felt weird!

Taken For Granted said...

Lowell, they just saw you coming and somehow new you were thirsty. What an unusual find. Perhaps this bottle is collectable? The glass ones use to be.

RedPat said...

I've seen them here too but that is an unusual to find! They made it special for Anderson Cooper?

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Well, if anyone deserves to have something named after them it is you!

Bill said...

I'll have a rum and anderson, thank you!

Shammickite said...

I've seen Coke in large bottles with personal names on the labels. I know a young man with the name Anderson, although it's unusual to be used as a first name. You'll never find a bottle of anything with my first name on it.... very unusual and I have never met another person with my name.

Small City Scenes said...

What a very cool surprise.
Happy thanksgiving

Kay said...

I don't drink Coke...or I wouldn't know a thing about this. I'd worry, though. Remember the movie "Truman?" Where Jim Carey lived in a whole world of his own, televised? You might want to go home and channel surf, Lowell. Who knows? You may be a favorite show on prime time with an episode on Lowell finding "Anderson" in a cooler.

Katmom said...

Lowell,,, it's a low of 18degrees in the morning over here... Ocala is really looking good right about now! hahaha!

Karl said...

What a surprise ;)

Laura. M said...

Your bottle of coca cola personified 😉🙋
Un abrazo.

boromax said...

Purdy cool, I'd say!

magiceye said...

Did Anderson quench Anderson's thirst for fame? :)

"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." — Henri Cartier-Bresson