Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Oak House Great Room - Trilogy Resort

The Oak House (see the header photo above) at the Trilogy Resort provides room for a number of activities.  We'll be posting photos of the various spaces occasionally in the future.

The Great Room or Living Room is the focal point of the building.  People gather here for games, learning activities, meeting other residents, craft shows, etc.

The bar (pictured above) is actually not in the Great Room but adjacent to it in the restaurant.


silvia de angelis said...

Sempre speciali scenari nelle tue variegate pagine
Un saluto,silvia

magiceye said...

Very elegant decor!

Andy said...

Nice looking place Lowell... where's all the people?

Sharon said...

Thanks for that explanation of the bar. I was wondering if it was located in the great room, who was tending the bar. This place looks very nice indeed.

Karl said...

A very elegant environment, Lowell !

William Kendall said...

It looks like a welcoming space.

RedPat said...

What a wonderful space, Lowell! Do you wander down to there often?

Bill said...

A very nice looking place.

Susan Kane said...

What a place to visit and then stay. Great design.

Petrea Burchard said...

Ooh, very nice.

"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." — Henri Cartier-Bresson