Sunday, September 24, 2017

Horses! Watch out!

We see numerous horse trailers in and around Ocala which makes sense because raising horses for racing and jumping is a major industry with over 200 horse farms in the area, many of which can lay claim to raising partially or in full some of the big winners on the horse racing circuit.

I'm not sure if the message on this trailer is to caution us about the driver and his/her inability to drive, or to suggest we watch out for horses jumping out of the trailer at some point, or to be careful because the cities mentioned on the back of the trailer have a vested interest in the horses contained therein and will come after you if you should somehow crash into this vehicle.

Of course, "CAUTION" could simply mean be careful as the drivers can't see behind them too well.  Nah, that would be too easy1


William Kendall said...

And of course some people will just ignore it anyway and try passing that with oncoming traffic.

CrimsonGrant said...

I wonder how many horses are in there.

Sharon said...

One thing is for certain, those cities listed are all big horse raising places.

Bill said...

I hope people know how to read and follow the message. There's always one who doesn't and that's the issue. :)

Revrunner said...

I'm always cautious around any vehicle that might be carrying live animals. All you need is one of them to take it into his her head to escape and . . .

Michelle said...

Stay back!

RedPat said...

It is the same thing for me with the "Babies On Board" Sign. I'm never sure what is supposed to happen - are they to drive slower or am I to be careful in case they make a sudden move! ;-)

Andy said...

Lowel, just do what the sign says and stop horsing around.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

If I were filling out this quiz, I'd check 'any or all of the above'.... yup some valuable animals in that Fifth-Wheel trailer, that's for sure. (Did you know that Fifth-Wheel Recreational Vehicles, like the one we used to live and travel in, were first made after somebody looked at a horse trailer and figured out that they could do that for people trailers too?...

Kay said...

Leave it to Andy to put everything into perspective! 8-)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh that's funny Lowell, and I bet William is right, most will completely ignore! I did get a fleeting image of the doors flying open and two or three horses spontaneously doing the can-can to a startled audience 😀😀
P.s. yes I did have a wee play with my images today, Perth was looking too dull 😊

Lois said...

I agree with Sallie. Watch out for all of those things. I always wonder what the horses are thinking during these trips!

Marleen said...

Whatever it means exactly, let's be careful :)

Small City Scenes said...

I looked up Brook Ledge and it is a transportation company---I think there are bicycles in there

stardust said...

I like horses for their soulful eyes and swishing tails. I don’t want them to feel uncomfortable on board the truck. Other drivers should drive carefully not to put pressures on the driver for the sake of the horses.


"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again." — Henri Cartier-Bresson